gingerbread monopoly go event

Gingerbread Partners Event: December 24th – 29th, 2024

The Gingerbread Partners event kicks off at 7:30 AM ET on December 24th and runs until 3 PM ET on December 29th, 2024. In this event, you team up with four other players to complete your Gingerbread houses.

To help build your houses, you have to collect partner event tokens by playing through milestones in any event or tournament that starts at the same time or after this one.

The grand prize for completing all your Gingerbread houses is a Gingerbread Train 5,000 free dice rolls and a Wild Sticker which you can trade in for any sticker you don’t already have!

You won’t be able to see all the details of this event in the Monopoly Go app until it starts but here’s a preview of what you can win and how to play partner events.

Next milestone pointsTotal points neededReward
2,500 points2,500 points200 free dice rolls
6,000 points8,500 pointsMoney
13,000 points21,500 points200-300 free dice rolls game money and 10 mins Cash Boost*
26,500 points48,000 points300-500 free dice rolls, two star yellow sticker pack and 10 mins Mega Heist*
32,000 points80,000 points (completion of one build)400-600 free dice rolls, game money four star blue sticker pack, and Builder’s Bash*

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